7 Days Chakra yoga and meditation Retreat in Rishikesh.
The Chakra Cleansing & Balancing Retreat in Yogshala Rishikesh Retreats is a life-changing retreat for participants who seek to balance their energy centers and find inner peace. Situated at the spiritual center of Rishikesh, The retreat provides a calm and peaceful environment for reflection and recovery..
The retreat is led by skilled and expert teachers & gurus who provide a secure environment for participants to explore their inner selves and let go of any obstacles preventing them from advancing spiritually.
Chakra cleansing meditation classes in yogshala rishikesh retreats will focus on improving strength, flexibility, and balance by utilizing a range of postures and movements. To strengthen their ability to manage their breath and flow of energy, participants will also receive training in multi types of pranayama (breathing exercises) and Mudra magics like-
There are 10 types of mudras:
1. Mahamudra
2. Mahabandha
3. Mahavedha
4. Khechari
5. Udiyana/Ujjayi
6. Moolabandha
7. Jalandhara
8. Viparita Karani
9. Vajroli
10. Shakti Chalani.

Upcoming Chakra Cleansing & Balancing Retreat in Rishikesh.
The Chakra Cleansing & Balancing Retreat in Rishikesh provides a holistic approach to health with an extreme value on the interconnection of the body, mind, and spirit. People have the opportunity to restore their energy centers and experience a sense of wholeness and harmony.
Price & Inclusion - 7 Days Chakra Healing & Balancing Retreat
- Chakra Cleansing Technique - Third Eye
- Body Cleansing Technique - Shatkarma
- Yoga Asana
- Pranayama
- Chakra Cleansing & Balancing
- Energy / Spiritual Healing
- Sound Healing / Music Therapy
- Cosmic Bath
- Ayurvedic Massage
- Excursion
- Three Yogic Meals a day
- Astrology / Numerology
- Private / Sharing Accommodation
- A reservation requires a deposit of 30% of the total price.
- The deposit is non refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
- The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival.
7 Days Chakra Cleansing & Balancing Retreat - Dates & Price
Our retreats run throughout the year and is customizable according to your needs.
Duration | Availability | Booking |
Janauary 2024
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February 2024
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March 2024
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April 2024
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May 2024
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June 2024
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July 2024
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August 2024
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September 2024
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October 2024
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November 2024
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December 2024
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Schedule Chakra Cleansing & Balancing Retreat in Rishikesh.
The program provides a wide range of activities including yoga, Chakra Cleansing, Kundalini meditation, sound healing and energy work all aimed at cleansing the chakras. Participants will also be given the chance to reflect on themselves and interact with others who are on the same journey as them.
- 6:30 am
- 7:00am - 8:30am
Yogic cleansing (shatkarma) and Asana (Alignment & adjustment)
- 8:30am - 9:15am
Pranayam,Bhuta shuddhi
- 9:15am - 10:00am
Yogic Breakfast
- 10:00am - 11:00am
Household Activities/ one day excursion./Transcendental Meditation/Astrology.
- 11:00am - 01:00pm
Chakra Cleansing,Healing & Balancing, Chakra meditation,/ Spiritual Healing
- 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Yogic Lunch
- 2:00pm - 4:00pm
- 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Hatha/Ashtanga yoga
- 5:00 pm - 5:30pm
kundalini meditation, Bandha ,Mantra chanting/ Bhajan keertan
- 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Meditation/Bhajan kirtan/Mantra chanting/Sound Healing/yog nidra
- 7:00pm - 7:30pm
yogic dinner.
- 9:00 pm
Lights off
Beautiful Captured
What we provide - Shree Yogshala Rishikesh for a luxury Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh.
Shree Yogshala Retreat Rishikesh includes everything from the retreat's natural surroundings to its accommodations, dining areas, and yoga studios, providing a one-stop solution for all your needs.
Detailed Itenary
7 Days Chakra Cleansing & Balancing Retreat
The Kundalini chakra are mainly seven cycles in our body like that energy point that acts as the Kundalini energy carrier. Everything we experience in our lives is constantly helping or hindering.
1 Root chakra , 2 flavour cycles, 3 manipur cycles, 4 Anahat (heart) cycles, 5 Vidyakra, 6 Aksya(compliance) cycles, 7 Sahastar cycles
Mantra: lam
-It has 4 petals.
- Known as Shambhuling and also called Selarsidh.
- Presiding deity: Siddha Dvirand.
- Goddess: Dakini.
- A wise yogi constantly meditates on the Muladhara chakra.
- He attains the power of aerial movement, known as Dadhuri Siddhi.
- The yogi experiences great bodily transformation.
- His digestive fire increases.
- By meditating on this chakra, Saraswati Devi (goddess of wisdom) always resides on the yogi's face.
- Merely chanting its mantra leads to the attainment of mantra siddhi (perfection in mantra practice).
Every cycle is connected to the person’s body, emotions or mind condition, especially the first three cycles, (plitches, wardrobe, manipur), also called human cycles, then unheat cycles connect the human cycles to divine cycles. Radhyaadhar, Swasthan and Manipur come in human cycles and purification, commandment and cooperatives come in divine cycles.
Cycles are not bad but imbalance can occur in them. This imbalance occurs for many reasons. Rites of pre-birth or not to balance in life in this birth, a flow of excessive emotions under any particular situation - any such reason could be. The 7 original instincts of the human mind are - work, anger, item, mood, grobe, ego and glee. The balance of cycles is connected deep into the balance of these instincts.
Such as the imbalance of the radish cycle can increase fear in the person, feeling of insecurity, greed, etc. But these feelings also affect cycles. It means that if for external reasons such emotions in a man’s mind make their house, then an imbalance in the radiation cycle may begin to occur.
Cleaning and balancing cycles constantly helps us live our lives easily and easily, and has a bad impact on physical, mental, and emotional health if cycles remain blocked and imbalanced.
There are many factors that can damage or deactivate the radish cycle, including trauma, stress, negative thought patterns and physical illness or injuries. Kneeing, waist, joint pain occurs when the imbalance occurs in this cycle. Kidney contains infection, tumour, spine pain.
Mantra : "Vam"
- Presiding deity: Siddha Val.
- Goddess: Rakini.
- It has 6 petals.
- A practitioner who meditates on this chakra receives the exceptional Siddhi of Adima (powers) and stays free from all diseases.
This chakra is connected to the Muladhar Chakra. However, all the seven chakras are connected to each other, hence it is difficult to show any one chakra separately. Due to the merging of the earth element of Mooladhara in the water element of this chakra, this chakra family and All relationships awaken the feeling of maintaining and protecting relationships, this chakra is related to the Moon and 70% of our body is water, due to which emotions start taking root in the mind due to which the person starts becoming arrogant in the form of strong ego.
Unbalance of this chakra mainly causes serious diseases in women like menstrual interruption, urinary diseases, reproductive problems, infertility and all types of sexual diseases, intestinal and kidney diseases, impotence as well as mental and emotional instability etc.
In today's time, due to contaminated food and excessive stress The function of this chakra on the physical star is like the fire place, this chakra controls the source of our movement or this chakra is the center of nourishment for our body, it is also the center of our strength, life force (willpower or stamina).
Mantra : "Ram"
- Located at the navel.
- Presiding deity: Siddha Sarva Mangala Rudra.
- Goddess: Lakini.
- It has 10 petals.
- Meditating on the Manipura chakra bestows the practitioner with Patala Siddhi (a type of mystical power) that brings continuous joy.
On the physical level, the function of this chakra is like a fire place, this chakra controls the source of our movement or this chakra is the center of nutrition of our body, it is also the center of our strength, life force (willpower or stamina), Its imbalance can lead to stomach related diseases, diabetes, cancer, liver diseases, obesity, anxiety, lack of appetite in the world, or pain in the stomach. Imbalance of Manipura Chakra leads to fear and dread - fear that we are loved. Will not be done, that we will fail, fear of getting sick, dying etc. This gives rise to many of our fears When our chakra is balanced, our personality is filled
Mnatra :"Yam"
- It has 12 petals.
- It is of deep red color.
- It is the center of supreme contentment.
- Presiding deity: Siddha Pinaki.
- Goddess: Kakini.
- By meditating on this chakra, one attains the fruits of both this world and the next.
- The practitioner gains powers of aerial movement and the ability to control beings in the sky.
- Khechari and Bhuchari Siddhis (powers) are attained through it.
Anahata Chakra is the chakra of love and compassion between the lower three and upper three chakras,
This chakra is responsible for storing and distributing prana, the life force energy that flows through our body, and maintaining the vayu element in our system.
When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment you will feel surrounded by love, compassion and joy and connected to the world around you. You will feel open to all of life's experiences, and challenges, especially in relationships, pass through you and are easily resolved. An open heart chakra allows us to see all the beauty and love around us and to truly connect with ourselves, our loved ones, and the natural world. This chakra also helps to bring love directly back to us to be able to truly love and accept ourselves and our bodies.
This chakra can become unbalanced due to polluted air, negative thoughts, unbalanced lifestyle
- Its imbalance can make you feel extremely isolated from everyone
- Most of the time you feel alone
- You hold grudges against those you love
- You may feel jealous often
- You are overly protective
- You fear intimacy
- You put yourself in the role of rescuer or victim
- You find it difficult to trust others
Physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, poor blood circulation, heart pain, angina, or even problems like asthma.
Mantra : "Ham"
- It has 16 petals.
- Its brilliance is like gold.
- Presiding deity: Siddha Changland.
- Goddess: Sakini.
- The yogi becomes a master of wisdom and attains knowledge of the four Vedas.
Vishuddhi Chakra connects the heart and brain. This chakra represents countless feelings of happiness and freedom that swell our abilities and skills. With this level of development, one has a clear voice, talent for singing and oratory, as well as a balanced and calm thought.
Unless this chakra is fully developed or remains unbalanced, certain difficulties may be experienced. Blockage in the Vishuddhi Chakra causes feelings of anxiety, lack of freedom, bondage, and throat problems. Some physical difficulties, such as swelling and obstruction in speech, may also be encountered.
Guilt and low self-esteem.
Excessive and unnecessarily aggressive use of voice unbalances the chakra,
Raising voice in anger, sly imbalance in speech,
An imbalanced chakra can result in sore throat, thyroid problems, neck and shoulder pain, hearing sensitivity, jaw pain or TMJ. You may not know how to ask for what you need, or find yourself gossiping. Due to blocked or overactive Vishuddhi you may have difficulty hearing, feel afraid to speak, or experience a general lack of connection.
When this chakra is balanced, you are able to effectively communicate needs, desires, ideas, boundaries, empathy, and love. There are a few things you can do on and off the mat to create balance
Mantra : "OM"
- It is white or indigo in color.
- It has 2 petals.
- Presiding deity: Mahakala Siddha.
- Goddess: Hakini.
- The yogi never experiences sorrow and becomes equal to God.
The Ajna Chakra is the center of both "Para and Apara Wisdom", the Third Eye Chakra controls your ability to invite a new reality into your life by dreaming of different possibilities,
The sixth chakra is also associated with light, representing clarity, understanding, and spiritual insight.
When the third eye chakra is open, you become more perceptive and insightful and you are able to receive guidance from your higher self and the spiritual realm. A balanced Ajna Chakra provides mental clarity and focus. You are naturally more alert, aware and able to focus on tasks, thoughts. With greater clarity, focus, and intuition, you're also better equipped to make better decisions.
This energy center plays an important role in your imagination and creativity. A balanced Ajna Chakra helps you manage stress and anxiety more effectively. You are able to connect within yourself and calm your mind, resulting in greater peace and relaxation, physical problems caused by this headache, vision problems, ear related problems, Sinus, sleep problems etc.
Mantra : " Silece or Internal OM Chanting"
- If a practitioner remains stable in the Brahmarandhra (the crown of the head) for even half a minute, they are freed from all sins.
- A yogi who merges with the Brahmarandhra attains mastery over Adima (mystical powers) and can enjoy them at will.
- Such a yogi becomes the beloved of the divine and leads others across the ocean of the material world, helping them attain liberation.
This chakra represents the purpose of yoga. If your Sahasrara Chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you may have difficulty feeling vibrations normally or you may feel excessive vibrations. You may also experience doubt about spiritual reality or the existence of God. Fortunately, the more you practice meditation in Sahaja Yoga, the clearer all your chakras (energy centers) will become. Due to self-doubt and extreme form of atheism, the chakra becomes imbalanced.
If your Sahasrara Chakra is blocked or unbalanced, you may have difficulty feeling vibrations normally. You may also experience doubt about spiritual reality or the existence of God. Fortunately, the more you practice meditation in Sahaja Yoga, the clearer all your chakras (energy centers) will become.
Amazing results on many of your incurable problems like lack of concentration, lack of concentration, Cervical, knee pain, back pain, anxiety, stress, Insomnia, bad aura, bad horoscope, with various techniques like Chakra Cleansing & Balancing, Energy Healing, sound healing. See you, Once all your chakras are in a balanced state, your vibes also become energetic and your body refreshed.
How can we balance the functioning of the chakras? How can the Kundalini energy flow be made vertical? Would you like to experience what it's like to live a life with balanced chakras?
So attend our Chakra Cleansing, Healing and Balancing Retreat, where we will balance and uplift the energy of all seven of your chakras, and understand the function, healing and importance of balancing the chakras as well as experience each chakra.